Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Commerce Housing Programs Move Update

You may remember that when the transformation of the Department of Commerce into the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) was announced, I predicted that the housing programs in the Department of Commerce would be moved to the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA).  Although it was initially announced that the housing programs would be sent to WEDC, my prediction turned out to be spot-on after the proposed budget showed that the housing programs would, indeed, be moved to WHEDA.

Are you keeping up with me?  Let's review a bit of history:  The housing programs were housed in the Department of Administration, then moved into the Department of Commerce a few years ago.  After the elections, it was announced that they would be going along with the Department of Commerce into WEDC.  When the state budget was released, it showed them going into WHEDA, although there were rumors that the Director of Commerce (who would also be the Director of WEDC) wanted to keep the housing programs. 

So you can imagine, then, my exasperation upon learning that the WI Division of Housing & Community Development may be moving to the Department of Administration, their former home.  All this has to happen by July 1, 2011, by the way.  There are pros and cons to this, but all this indecision makes me wonder how committed the administration is to housing.

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