Monday, January 24, 2011

Deer Creek Homes Resurrection

Mike Johnson at the Journal-Sentinel has some more details on MSP's resurrection of the low-income housing tax credits in the City Center.  Details are still somewhat vague, but it appears that the condo development will use the tax credits approved for the previous MSP proposal. 
I'm rather stunned that they're able to use this for a completely different proposal.  This isn't a matter of "we used aluminum siding instead of a brick facade" or something relatively minor like that.  But apparently this is allowable by WHEDA.  Opponents of the previous MSP proposal are, predictably, unhappy with this new proposal, calling it a "bait and switch." 

They do seem to be unjustifiably blaming Mayor Chiovatero on this issue.  There is no reason I know of for MSP to consider the Mayor an ally on this issue, and I'm wagering MSP is minimizing their contact with the city, especially after being sand-bagged by New Berlin staff and the Common Council at the meeting which resulted in their proposal being rejected.

There is a New Berlin Common Council meeting January 25 at 7 PM on this issue.

You can see the 2004 plans and the agreement for Deer Creek Homes here.  And I still have not read anything that disproves my theory that this may be rent-to-own.  Note that MSP has 102 tax credits, but the previously approved plan for Deer Creek Homes has 117 units.  Details are not clear on what happens with the remaining 15 units. 

After all this time, the opponents' argument boils down to this: "They're too poor to live here."  All previous arguments about density, impact on school system, parking, etc. no longer applies, something they seem to realize.  When you look at the heading of the alert from the "Concerned Citizens of New Berlin", it reads:


Update: Edited to finish incomplete sentence on tax credits. 

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