Friday, July 23, 2010

A Home For Everyone Wrap-up

I attended the A Home For Everyone Conference which took place Wednesday & Thursday in scenic La Crosse.  There were many good workshops.  Attendees saw the numbers behind the Homeless Prevent & Rapid Rehousing programs around the state, learned the sobering statistics after the Point-In-Time Surveys (of homeless residents) around the state, listened to legislators discuss housing issues, found out what was happening housing-wise in La Crosse, networked, and more!

Speaker Sheridan had an amusing bit when talking to a candidate running in La Crosse.  He said (from my memory), "On your first day at the Capitol, you will walk up the steps and say to yourself, 'How did I get here?'  After six months, you will say to yourself, 'How did they get here?'"

It was a very successful conference which pleased me because I'm on the planning committee for the conference.  I'm told many of the PowerPoint presentations will be available online, and I will link to them when they're up.

Save the date for next year's conference in Stevens Point on July 27-28 with the Homelessness Conference taking place on July 26 at the same location-the Holiday Inn Stevens Point Conference Center. 


Shabana Wollin said...


I came upon your website from Independence First's featured blogger page and your blog from LinkedIn. Very nice resources! I would like to add you to my list as a resource for blogging on our social media site when we have it implemented.(I can talk about it in detail via email/phone) I would like to invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn (please send invite) and My blog

Max Max said...

Thanks, Shabana, for the nice comments! I've sent you a Linked In invitation.