Thursday, April 29, 2010

JS Article on Taskforce

A fair Journal-Sentinel article on the shift in emphasis by the Affordable Housing Taskforce. Naturally the first comment is breath-takingly wrong, and while I don't like to target people because of some random comment they leave, it does expose some of the misunderstandings.

First, let's look at this:

Just another un-elected governmental body trying desperately to keep their

The Affordable Housing Taskforce is comprised of members from non-profit organizations and faith-based groups, etc. that are very concerned about how increasingly difficult it is to find housing in Waukesha County. The Taskforce is not an unelected government body. This never occured to anyone involved, but in response to concern (apparently justified) that people might think this is a Waukesha County government taskforce, the Taskforce earlier this month changed its name so that "Waukesha County" appears at the end rather than the start. Hence we are now "Affordable Housing Taskforce in Waukesha County" although some of the older materials might still reflect the old name until they're updated.

Now let's look at the next part:

If you want affordable housing in Waukesha County,
Then you

Well...that's kind of the point, ya know? Too many people cannot afford to live in Waukesha County because of the high housing costs and other barriers specifically designed to exclude people who don't make enough money.

I don't know about you, but I call that social engineering, and anybody who thinks that the way things are in Waukesha County is due to market force or the "invisible hand of capitalism" is truly off-base. Market force is not restricting multi-family construction in many communities in an attempt to limit renters. "Invisible hand of capitalism" is not requiring very large minimum lot sizes in some communities which makes housing much more costly.

Maybe the commenter also think that people with disabilities (a group that has a very high unemployment rate) should not live in Waukesha County. Or maybe the thinking is that seniors should work until they quite literally drop?

UPDATE: Link fixed. Again. and Again. Deleted & redone. Working now.

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